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Celite® 610

Celite® 610 is a natural and reliable insecticide for stored grain and is a powerful complimentary active to any integrated pest management program.

  • > Crop Protection
    Imerys Celite® 610 is a mechanical insecticide designed to provide a physical mode of action against insect pests and mites in crop production.  It is a natural and reliable insecticide for crop protection and is a powerful complimentary active ingredient to any integrated pest management program.

  • > Stored Grain
    Imerys Celite® 610 is a natural and reliable insecticide for stored grain and is a powerful complimentary active to any integrated pest management program.

Crop Protection



Imerys Celite® 610 is an effective addition for insect pest and mite control, by physical action for suppressing insect pest damage to stored grain, including barley, buckwheat, corn, oats, rice, rye, sorghum grain, wheat, and mixtures of these grains. 

Figure 1 shows the difference in the effectiveness of the same concentrations of natural diatomaceous earth insecticides against rice weevil (sensitive to diatomaceous earth) and red flour beetle (tolerant to diatomaceous earth).

Imerys Celite® 610 generated significantly higher efficacy when compared with the effectiveness of all other competitive products after exposure of 14 days Imerys Celite® 610 applied at 400 ppm caused 100% mortality of tested insect pests.

How does it work?

Controlling insect pests and mites improves crop yield and keeps fruit and vegetable prices at stable levels in grocery stores. Without effective control of insect pests, overall food production would decline and result in supply shortages.

The physical properties of Imerys Celite® 610 are ideal for control of insect pests and mites when applied as a wettable powder using standard application equipment.

Once dry, a visible white residue can be seen on the crop and plant surfaces. When a crawling or flying insect pest or mite makes contact, the result is a static transfer of a few particles of Imerys Celite® 610, which absorbs the protective lipid layer necessary for insect pests or mites survival. Insect pests and mites will not become immune to the physical mode of action.

”While Imerys initially entered the crop protection market due to increasing insecticide resistance and the need for alternative modes of action to control insect pests and mites, Imerys Celite® 610 has proven to be a cost effective insecticide offering competitive performance to traditional insecticides used in crop protection.”

David Stewart, Imerys Commercial Development Manager

Celite® 610 is especially suited to be applied as a wettable powder. It provides a physical, non-chemical mode of action that should deter cross-chemical resistance development. It is registered in 50 states in the United States of America and has more than 150 insect pests and mites listed on the label.


  • Alternate, physical mode of action (IRAC* GROUP UNM)

  • Comparable efficacy to most organic and conventional pesticides when used as a stand alone or in tank mix treatments.

  • Zero Restricted Entry Intervals (REI is the minimum amount of time that must pass between the time a pesticide was applied to a crop and the time that people can go into that area without protective clothing and equipment.

  • Zero Post Harvest Intervals (PHI is the wait time between a pesticide application and when a crop can be harvested.)

  • High potential for absorption from epicuticle lipid layer

  • OMRI listed in the USA 

  • Non toxic to bees (Median Lethal Dose is considered  >25μg a.i./bee when administered by direct topical application,
    25μg a.i./bee is > than the typical dose applied)

*IRAC Insecticide Resistance Action Committee

Field Data

Graph 1 shows the results of a single application field experiment on a broccoli crop at vegetative to early flower head formation stages targeting Diamond Black Moth (Plutella xylostella). 7 inches of rain were recorded during the trial period and the temperature range was 50 - 77F. Dezone™ did not cause any observable phytotoxicity on broccoli.



In additional broccoli trials conducted in Ventura County, CA over a 5 week period comparing three different insecticide programs impact on diamond black moth and cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) larvae. 


These programs included Celite® 610 (10lb/ac), organic (spinosad tank mix with pyrethrin and Azadirachtin)  and conventional  (Chlorantraniliprole + imidacloprid tank mix rotated with pyrethroid) treatments. Repeat  treatments were conducted every 7 - 10 days. All three insecticide programs showed good control of both worm species throughout the trial period and there were no significant differences between the 3 treatments.



Effect of Celite® 610 @ 10lb/ac, organic and conventional treatments on diamond black moth and cabbage looper.
Error bars show standard deviation

Graph 3 and 4 shows the results of 5 weekly application field experiments on Cantaloupe planted at the end of summer in the San Joaquin Valley, CA  targeting Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) eggs and nymphs.



Effect of treatments on infestation of whitefly eggs on melon. DAST= Days After the Start of Treatment. Treatments with the same letter along the columns are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at p≤0.05.



Effect of treatments on infestation of whitefly nymphs on melon. DAST= Days After the Start of Treatment


In lab bioassays assessing the effect of Celite® 610 on tobacco thrips (Frankliniella fusca), a dry (powder) application equivalent to 13lb/ac resulted in LT50 (lethal time, 50% of population) of 90 minutes and LT80 of 2hrs when tested at 90F and 80% relative humidity.


Graph 5 thrip.jpg

Effect of Celite® 610 on Thrips (equivalent 13lb/ac, 90F and 80% relative humidity)

Graph 6 and 7 shows the results of a two application field experiment on cotton targeting aphids (Aphis gossypii) and thrips (Frankliniella fusca) respectively. The second application of Celite® 610 was completed 14 days after the first application with untreated control.

All similar experiments were conducted on bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and lygus (Lygus hesperus). In all trials, a 3lb/ac treatment of Celite® 610 applied every 2 weeks was sufficient to significantly reduce the population of these insect pests and resulted in significantly higher yields compared to the untreated control (Graph 8).



Effect of treatments on infestation of thrip on cotton. DAST= Days After the Start of Treatment. 2nd treatment at 14 DAST



Effect of treatments on infestation of thrip on cotton. DAST= Days After the Start of Treatment. 2nd treatment at 14 DAST



Average yield per cotton for major insects pests

Celite® 610 a natural & reliable insecticide for crop protection and is a powerful complimentary active to any integrated pest management program.

Stored grain


Apply Celite® 610 as a wettable powder to all growing crops to control insect pests and mites. Minimum application rate is 3 lbs per acre; typical rates are 6-20 lbs per acre dependent on insect pest and mite pressure, with a maximum application rate of 70 lbs per acre.


Repeat treatments to maintain adequate control in the event of rain and if white residue is not visible.

Please refer to the APVMA label before use.


The average mortality of Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil) and Tribolium castaneum, (red flour beetle) after the exposure of 14 days to 400 ppm (400 grams per 1000 kg of grain) of hard red wheat

Celite® 610can be used to protect and treat the following areas and can be applied either as a dry powder or as a wettable powder spray application:

  • Harvest and loading equipment: combines, trucks, augers, etc

  • Storage facilities: bins, flat storages, ship holds, box cars, and silos 

  • Add mixture dry treatment 

  • Top dress treatment


Please refer to the APVMA label before use.

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